“A leap of faith”

Good Evening,

You will be pleased to know Eagle class made it safely (if not slightly late) to Bowles. After a quick introduction to the facilities, we were ready to undertake our first activities.

Mr H’s group began with skiing, which after one session it can safely be said we have some future Winter Olympians in our midsts – despite one disagreement with a tree! This was followed by the group’s first trip to Harrisons. Imagine an adventure playground constructed from boulders, tree roots and mud – lots of mud. Every child has outdone themselves, and can be proud of their achievements, whether that be dragging themselves face down through a muddy tunnel, clambering up a rock face, or simply encouraging a friend to try their best.

Mr K and Mrs C’s group started with the low ropes course, and the dreaded ‘zip wire’, which every child courageously completed. When one child was asked how they got over the nerves of the jump, they stated, ‘You just had to get through it. You have to take a leap of faith.’ If there was one phrase to describe our time here at Bowles, that would sum it up nicely I think. This was also followed by a skiing session, from which there are some stunning shots of Mr K hitting the slopes in style (and by hitting, I mean crashing catastrophically!)

Overall, we have been blown away by how well the children have started our week at Bowles, and are looking forward to many more adventures over the coming days.

Learn, Love, Live.

Mr H


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2 Responses to “A leap of faith”

  1. Mrs Colclough says:

    Wow! It sounds like the Eagles have definitely landed! Apart from Mr K that is, (sounds like his was more of a crash landing!). Well done all of you! I’m really proud of you. I’m also very jealous! I love mud and zip wires – have lots of fun! Mrs C

  2. Tania Turner says:

    Glad to hear you are all having a fun time , even if the odd tree gets in the way!
    Look forward to hearing more about your adventures in the coming days.
    Tania (Ben’s mum)

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